Chats Falls Generating Station was built between 1929 and 1932 during the great depression. There are 8 turbines in it, four for Ontario, and four for Quebec. There is a total vertical drop of water of 16.2 m (53 ft.) producing 19 MW of power. That would power 12,700 toasters, or about 2 million CF lights. Flow rates vary a lot from spring to fall, but they can save water behind the dam all night long, and produce huge amounts of power when the demand peaks.

Chats Falls Generating Station was built between 1929 and 1932 during the great depression.  There are 8 turbines in it, four for Ontario, and four for Quebec.  There is a total vertical drop of water of 16.2 m (53 ft.) producing 19 MW of power.  That would power 12,700 toasters, or about 2 million CF lights.  Flow rates vary a lot from spring to fall, but they can save water behind the dam all night long, and produce huge amounts of power when the demand peaks.
