B-25D '' BAR FLY,'' 41-30593, Crashed on take off on 29th Febuary at night at Dubodura Airfield just north of Girua Airport, near Horanda Y, Recovered in 1970 & displayed at GIRUA Airport near Popondetta, Two P-47 Engines are displayed under wings found around Girua Strip, in ORO Northern Province in PNG, Photo by Paul Barker on 28-05-2013

 B-25D '' BAR FLY,'' 41-30593, Crashed on take off on 29th Febuary  at night at Dubodura Airfield just north of Girua Airport, near Horanda Y, Recovered in 1970 & displayed at GIRUA Airport near Popondetta, Two P-47 Engines are displayed under wings found around Girua Strip,  in ORO Northern Province in PNG, Photo by Paul Barker on 28-05-2013
