The World Heritage Committee designated the ensemble of buildings from the "Classical Weimar" period as being one of UNESCO's Wolrd Heritage Sites at its 24th session in Kyoto, Japan in 1998. The Weimar Classic age coincided with the peak of German national literature (circa 1800). The Weimar Classic period ran from 1775-1832, which was when Goethe lived and worked in this small town. Apart from Johann Wolfgang Goethe also Friedrich Schiller, Christoph Martin Wieland and Johann Gottfried Herder

The World Heritage Committee designated the ensemble of buildings from the "Classical Weimar" period as being one of UNESCO's Wolrd Heritage Sites at its 24th session in Kyoto, Japan in 1998. The Weimar Classic age coincided with the peak of German national literature (circa 1800). The Weimar Classic period ran from 1775-1832, which was when Goethe lived and worked in this small town. Apart from Johann Wolfgang Goethe also Friedrich Schiller, Christoph Martin Wieland and Johann Gottfried Herder
