
3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, 28203 Östliche Vorstadt - Fesenfeld |

3-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 450
28203 Östliche Vorstadt - Fesenfeld


The room is 17ms
In a four person's shared flat, two rooms per floor
The rent is 380 euros + 70 euros Nebenkosten
I.e 450 euros all inclusive.
There is a Keller, wash and drying machine, fridge, oven, wifi and the area has a very good transport connection to the city center and Hauptbahnhof i.e Trams 2, 3 and 10 and bus 25. Also in just about 2 minutes with bicycle you are at the city center or HB.
Shops like rewe, Penny and Netto, plus Turkey and other Asian shops are around. The room is partly furnished with a Waldron, Sofa, table and a cupboard. You are welcome to bring your own stuff if you don't want what is here. The entire house was fully renovated last year and the flood is laminated.

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