
2-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten, Unionstraße 10, 59557 Lippstadt, Soest (Kreis) |

csm_zimme_04_13366670d6 -- Room in the dormitory of Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt

2-Zimmer Wohnung zu vermieten 310 45 m²
Unionstraße 10, 59557 Lippstadt, Soest (Kreis)


- + Suche


Hello, I would like to subrent my room in the dormitory for the next 6 months. If You are a student of HSHL and You still wait in the line for your own spot in the dormitory or You just need temporary place while You hunt for a better flat this is the place for You. The room is fully furnished and the flat is shared only with one person. My roommate is a very tidy, calm, and respectful guy so I'm sure You'll get along well. The price includes the cost of internet, water, and electricity. You might have to pay additional money at the end of the rent period if You used more electricity, but it will be no more than 80 Euro per 6 months. You can also borrow my router, so you don't need to buy your own to have an access to the internet. Further details about the dormitory You can find in this link: You can move on the 30th of October 2020 and stay till 30th of April 2021. You can leave earlier if You want to. The price is set by the owner of the dormitory and it is exactly the same amount I pay normally. If You're interested, feel free to contact me on Whats'Up There are only 2 requiraments: - You have to be a student of HSHL - You have to be a male

Falls wir ein neues Angebot oder eine Preisveränderung des bestehenden Angebots 2-Zimmer Wohnungen zu vermieten erhalten, werden wir Sie per E-Mail informieren.

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