East Riding of Yorkshire

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Londesborough CP Skirlaugh Driffield CP Nafferton Kilham Skerne and Wansford Foston Bewholme Brandesburton Seaton Ellerby Elstronwick Burton Pidsea Burstwick Hessle Kirk Ella Barmston Carnaby Bridlington Flamborough Bempton Sledmere Ellerton Bubwith Wressle North Ferriby Hutton Cranswick Watton Beswick Lockington Leconfield Hayton Thornton Bielby Dalton Holme Etton Cherry Burton Molescroft Beverley Bishop Burton Walkiington Rowley Brantingham Melbourne Seaton Ross Foggathorpe Goodmanham Everingham Shipton Thorpe Market Weighton Sancton Newbald South Cliffe Hotham North Cave Newport Holme upon Spalding Moor Spaldington Eastrington Gilberdyke Laxton Kilpin Howden Hook Nunburnholme Goole Allerthorpe Pocklington Barmby Moor Yapham Wilberfoss Fangfoss Full Sutton Bishop Wilton Millington Warter Lund Middleton North Dalton Bainton Kirkburn Tibthorpe Wetwang Garton Rudston Boynton Burton Agnes Harpham Kelk Leven Tickton North Frodingham Beeford Catwick Sigglesthorne Routh Hedon Riston Thorngumbald Keyingham Halsham Ottringham Patrington Rise Hatfield Withernwick Woodmansey Burton Constable Coniston Swine Wawne Humbleton Sproatley Bilton Skidby Cottingham Willerby Anlaby with Anlaby Common Swanland Preston Paull Sunk Island Welwick Skeffling Easington Holmpton Hollym Withernsea Rimswell Roos East Garton Aldbrough Mappleton Hornsea Atwick Skipsea Ulrome Grindale Burton Fleming Wold Newton Thwing Langtoft Cottam Fimber Blacktoft Fridaythorpe Huggate Kirby Underdale Bugthorpe Skirpenbeck Broomfleet South Cave Ellerker Stamford Bridge Catton Newton on Derwent Sutton upon Derwent Cottingwith Barmby on the Marsh Asselby Airmyn Rawcliffe Gowdall Pollington Snaith and Cowick Goole Fields Swinefleet Reedness Twin Rivers Elloughton cum Brough Welton
Kingston upon Hull North Lincolnshire York North East Lincolnshire North Yorkshire Redcar and Cleveland Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire Middlesbrough Borough Council Borough of Stockton-on-Tees
